Lampa UV -C (3) Lampa Bactericida (3) Lampa virucida (3) … UV -C (3) Zona corporala. Corp (3) Acasa. Branduri. Famed . Famed . Sorteaza . Promo NOU Cod pachet 5906660210948. In stoc! Lampa UV -C bactericida, 110F Medivent, suport mobil. Pre? vechi 3.355,00 Lei (-0%) Pre? 3.355,00 Lei. Pre? …
Fabryka Aparatury Elektromedycznej FAMED ?ód? S.A. 93-231 ?ód?, ul. Dostawcza 3D NIP:724-000-26-34 REGON:000035582, KRS:0000038333 S?d Rejonowy dla ?odzi-?ródmie?cia w ?odzi,, Ultra-Violet ( UV ) light is invisible to the human eye and is divided into UV -A, UV -B and UV -C. UV -C is found within 100-280 nm range. In the graph can be seen that germicidal action is maximized at 265 nm with reductions on either side. Philips Low pressure UV -C lamps have their main emission at 254 nm where the action on DNA is 85% of the peak …
Dzie? Dobry, w laboratorium posiadam lamp? medyczn? famed -1 typ l8/59 lampa UV , w której znajduje si? jaki? promiennik. Szukam informacji co to za promiennik (jakie emituje ?ród?a ?wiat?a tzn. jaki zakres d?ugo?ci ?wiat?a i jakiej jest mocy).
The GermAwayUV product line of UVC germicidal lights offer solutions for medical and commercial applications in need of UV disinfection lamps.We have developed the exclusive GERM-AWAY UVC product line to provide something for everyone and matching the best product to the best application purpose. Providing what you nee, Famed (3) Meden-Inmed (2) Acasa. Aparatura medicala si accesorii. Lampi . Lampa bactericida. Lampa bactericida. Sorteaza . Lampi bactericide utilizate pentru dezinfectia aerului si a suprafetelor din incaperi. … Lampa UV -C bactericida, 110F Medivent, suport mobil. Pre? vechi 3.355,00 Lei …